Part 16
Judge : Okay! Good! You go to the port, and you go get Echigoya! Good job, Hana!
Hana : Thank you veyr much, Sir!
Kame : Oh, I am so glad for you!
Hana : We finally did it, Kame!
Judge : Ahh officer, how was it?
Officer : Nothing like Bananas were found in the ship of Echigoyas.
Hana : Can't be! Oh, Echigoya! You hid them some place!
Echigoya : Who? Me? Hey lady? I came straight from the store. I had no time to do that!
Judge : Thank you for your time, Echigoya. You may return.
Echigoya : That is nohting, Judge. And you...Miss! Be careful from now on!
Eric : Don't be too suspicious, Hana.
Hana : Oh, Kame..
Eric : Here they come! Hide!
Officer : Somebody sneaked into Echigoyas and he ran this way. Echigoya says he looked just like Kame. Where is Kame?
Hana : He got his salary today. He must have gone on a date or something.
Officer : I see. Hana..give it up. Some big guys are concerned in this case. It's getting out of our hands.
Hana : That's okay. Take care of yourself now.
Sara : We can't do anything like this, Hana! Let's go see Echigoya!
Hana : You're right. I have got to do it now!
Echigoya : You have nothing to worry they are all nice and safe.
Sho-gun : I am working so hard to keep the police quiet.
Echigoya : Oh, yes! I know that. Please do not say any more. I of course did bring extra gold just for you.
Sho-gun : Gathering MAGI costs a lot of money. I should squeeze more money from the townsmen!
Echigoya : Oh, sir! You are bad.
Sho-Gun : Ha ha ha...that is a very nice compliment. But not as bad as you, Echigoya! Ha ha ha.
Kame : Please don't give up, Hana!
Taro : I will do away with that Sho-gun! My task is to guard the MAGi from such people as Sho-gun.
Eric : Are you a Guardian?
Taro : Yes I am. do you know of the Guardians?
Eric : My father was one of you. He was called the Captain.
Taro : Captain? Oh! How is he doing?
Eric :
Taro : Oh, no! You mean he..dead? Alright, come with me to defeat Sho-gun! Hana! I will go avenge your father!